All paralegals must abide by the code of ethics developed by The American Bar Association. There are several national organizations dedicated to the promotion of the paralegal and legal assistant professions that require its members to follow certain standards of conduct. The National Association of Legal Assistants (NALA) and the National Federation of Paralegals Association (NFPA) are the most well known.
These organizations provide education programs and employment opportunities to improve the quality of legal services offered by paralegals. In addition to these national law associations, states and local jurisdictions have their own chapters which will conduct seminars and meetings to assist paralegals in connecting with attorneys from which they might find employment, as well as receive important information concerning the legal system. It is important that all paralegals and attorneys be aware of the standards to which they are held; joining a local paralegal association will greatly benefit a law practice.
For a paralegal or legal assistant interested in advancing his education or seeking employment, finding a local chapter of a national paralegal association is an important step. These organizations are beneficial networking tools and will put individuals in touch with attorneys who are looking to hire legal assistants.
In addition, these organizations provide access to quality education programs that enhance a paralegals performance and allow them to acquire an advanced degree, such as a Certified Legal Assistant (CLA) or Certified Paralegal (CP). Paralegals interested in membership to a local law association for legal assistants may access the website of the NALA or NFPA to find a branch in their area.